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Rep Locator

ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions Canada’s Network of Agency Representatives.

Atlantic Canada - Atlantic Hardware Consultants
Office: 506-387-4050
Primary Contact: Terry Dolan

Primary Contact: Melanie Longley
office 1-506-387-9100

Quebec and Eastern Ontario - Les Agences Réal Demers Inc.
Office: 514-387-7515.
Primary Contact: Norm Labelle, Directeur Général -

Central and Western Ontario - ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions Canada.
Office: 905-738-2466
Primary Contact: George Stoddart - Regional Director of Sales, Ontario

Western Provinces and Territories - Tillicum Agencies
Office: 604-939-1445.
Primary Contact: Curtis Schur- President-

Your Partner in Success

Office Hours:
MONDAY TO THURSDAY : 8:30AM TO 5:00PM | FRIDAY: 8:30AM to 3:00PM

Shipping Hours:
MONDAY TO THURSDAY : 7:30AM TO 3:40PM |FRIDAY: 7:30AM to 12:40PM
Shipping & pickup will be arranged based on these hours.
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